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We presented Alki’s new designs at the 2023 Milan Design Week: two collections created by Studio Iratzoki & Lizaso and also the public-at-large version of Patrick Jouin’s chair designed for the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
The Xume Collection, designed by Studio Iratzoki & Lizaso, brings a new slant on a time-honoured wooden chair with the introduction of contemporary material, PET.
La collection Xume revisite une chaise historique à structure bois par l’introduction d’un nouveau matériau recyclé et recyclable, le PET. Le piètement en chêne massif cintré, matériau de prédilection de la coopérative, est ici associé à une coque aux formes douces en PET, apportant ainsi une véritable touche de fraîcheur.
After furnishing the Oval Reading Room at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, the Orria chair is, today, available in a public-at-large version. Orria is distinct for its pure lines and unique, exacting design.
A stool is the latest addition to the Pottolo family. The intention behind the Collection remains the same: a deliberate departure from a lean shape in order to suggest, at first glance, an embracing sense of wellbeing.
Other News
Leading in Sustainability with Two Labels
The choices that we have made with laser-focused conviction since the cooperative was created, our constant quest for perennity and our social contribution geared to the development of our region...
Production and showroom in Larresoro: Alki begins a new chapter
After more than four decades spent at our original site in Itxassou, Alki’s new workshop is coming to life in Larresoro, thus enlarging our working space and broadening our horizons.
Un salon réussi à Cologne : le bureau Bibolina présenté
Découvrez quelques images de notre récente participation au salon Orgatec à Cologne. Nous avons eu le plaisir de présenter la nouvelle table de travail Bibolina, qui sera commercialisée au début de l'année prochaine.
Join Alki at Orgatec to Discover Our Latest Creations
From October 22nd to 25th, meet us at the Orgatec fair in Cologne to discover the new Bibolina desk system, an elegant extension of the collection created by Julie Richoz.
Monocle Design Awards 2024
Our Zuzulu collection has just won a Monocle Design Award 2024, an award which celebrates a top 50 of the most inspiring and ingenious products of the year!
A look back at the international trade fair in Milan
We were pleased to see you you at our stand during the Milan International Furniture Fair, that took place from April 16 to 21.
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